Pestilence Quotes
The truth is that nothing is less sensational than pestilence, and by reason of their very duration great misfortunes are monotonous.
Might the peasant expect the Almighty to stay the thunder storm, which clears the air of a nation from pestilence, lest the lightning bold should in its flash kill his cow?
The ravages of drink are greater than those of war pestilence and famine combined.
The federal [bank deposit] insurance scheme has worked up to now simply and solely because there have been very few bank failures. The next time we have a pestilence of them it will come to grief quickly enough, and if the good banks escape ruin with the bad ones it will be only because the taxpayer foots the bill.
He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence.
In seasons of pestilence, some of us will have a secret attraction to the disease--a terrible passing inclination to die of it.
Each civilization has its own kind of pestilence and can control it only by reforming itself.
All I maintain is that on this earth there are pestilences and there are victims, and it's up to us, so far as possible, not to join forces with the pestilences. That may sound simple to the point of childishness; I can't judge if it's simple, but I know it's true.