Fresh Start Quotes
What cultural DNA remains from those first Puritan forays onto American soil may be our love of a fresh start.
The Marines was a fresh start - that is why they shave your head. I wish they would let you change your name.
The central Christian belief is that Christ's death has somehow put us right with God and given us a fresh start. Theories as to how it did this are another matter. A good many different theories have been held as to how it works; what all Christians are agreed on is that it does work.
It was just after the war. There was nothing left in Warsaw for me. He and his brother were coming to Krakow to make a fresh start. And he loved me so. He would have done anything for me.
How can you make a fresh start in a New World when you are carrying with you on your boat all the same problems, the same frustrations and inequalities of the Old World?
Somebody's going to give him a shot if we don't. I'll tell you what, I'd welcome him in my locker room. We understand what he brings to the table, positives and negatives, but you know never know, you give him a fresh start, things could work out.