Expensive Quotes
Good kitchen equipment is expensive, but most items last a lifetime and will pay for themselves over and over again.
Remember that the six most expensive words in business are: 'We've always done it that way'
I took the two most expensive aspirins in history.
In every age states of varying size and constitution and at every level of development have found naval warfare to be one of their most formidable and expensive tasks. Ships have always been large, costly and complicated, and warships much more complicated and costly than any others. Scholars are nowadays inclined to emphasize the power, wealth and sophistication of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, and there is not more striking illustration of this than the advanced and elaborate administrative structures of the early English navy.
I'm really tired of making these huge, over-$100 million movies where they literally mean life and death for a studio. It's really rough making these expensive movies. Everyone is hysterical.
The only thing more expensive than hiring a professional, is hiring an amateur.
If you invest in something a little more expensive with longevity, you'll use it more.
Sin is the most expensive thing in the universe. Nothing else can cost so much.
Grace is never cheap. It is absolutely free to us, but infinitely expensive to God... Anyone who is prone to use grace as a license for irresponsible, sinful behavior, surely does not appreciate the infinite price God paid to give us His grace.
It can be very expensive to try to convince the markets you are right.
As it turns out, it's really expensive to make movies, much more than records.
If you think that hiring professionals is expensive, try hiring amateurs
If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.
For war there is always enough. It's peace that's expensive.
Too much of what is called 'education' is little more than an expensive isolation from reality.
Naval dominance of European waters was the largest, longest, most complex and expensive project ever undertaken by the British state and society.
It's something we have to do, but it has to be done well, ... These movies are so expensive we have to be careful ... We're pretty close. Hopefully by the end of this year we'll be able to do that.
There's the fact that animation is extremely time-consuming, tedious, labor-intensive, and therefore, extremely expensive as an art form to really do it right, to really do full animation.
Musicals are so expensive to put on the stage that you have to have the backing of a corporate, you have to have Universal Studios or Disney or somebody to put in the money.