Registration Quotes
At the end of the day, if you are talking about a blatant fraud, registration is not gong to prevent it. What it does do is put (managers) on the map. Investment advisers are subject to regular inspections of their internal controls. So by registering, they do have an obligation to make sure their internal controls are much more solid than they would be if they were not registered. It doesn't prevent outright fraud, but it does add a deterrent.
The fastest way to bring financial ruin upon yourself is to go for a drive in the United States without proof of insurance and current license and registration.
We should have a system of licensing and registration, we should treat firearms the same way that automobiles are treated so that people have to pass a safety test.
Many custodial banks and brokers will only promise execution of these registration instructions if they are given instructions this evening or by tomorrow, close of business.