Blest Quotes
Come what may, I have been blest.
Lord Byron
There is an ancient saying, famous among men, that thou shouldst not judge fully of a man's life before he dieth, whether it should be called blest or wretched.
Man, through all ages of revolving time, Unchanging man, in every varying clime, Deems his own land of every land the pride, Beloved by heaven o'er all the world beside; Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
Elizabeth Gaskell
For all the Saints who from their labours rest, WhoThee by faith before the world confess'd, Thy name,OJesu, be for ever blest, Alleluia!
Walsham How
That man is blest Who does his best And leaves the rest, Then - do not worry.
Charles Deems
Blest is he whose heart is the home of the great dead and their great thoughts.
Philip James Bailey