Forged Quotes
All the information I have about myself is from forged documents.
You seem to forget that I'm Evie's legal guardian." "And you seem to forget that there's absolutely nothing legal about your guardianship, considering all the documents were forged.
Sometimes I think that people's characters get forged, at least in part, from their names.
On a hunch she asked whose signature Claude Aubert had forged. The group was astounded to learn it was that of Charles Leblanc! The “frightened financier”!
I forged myself out of a vacuum. I crawl along the highway on hacked off stumps year after year. Some wonder how and why. I never do.
We are the new "barbarians", forged in iron hardness in the fires of their hate and persecution. All over the world, we wait to pounce.
Dissembling profiteth nothing; a feigned countenance, and slightly forged externally, deceiveth but very few.
Steel is not forged in a comfortable place.