Textbook Quotes
The traditional textbook will always have a place on the shelf just as it has for hundreds of years. This product is about choice for students, providing them a less expensive price.
Jonathan Wells has done us all - the scientific community, educators, and the wider public - a great service. In Icons of Evolution he has brilliantly exposed the exaggerated claims and deceptions that have persisted in standard textbook discussions of biological origins for many decades, in spite of contrary evidence. these claims have been so often repeated that they seem unassailable - that is, until one reads Wells's book.
I have always felt that the true text-book for the pupil is his teacher.
Anyone who reads '33 Men' will be brought into a world that was practically a textbook case of sensory deprivation and torture.
The thing about organic farming is that the produce will not look the same. Your tomato will not resemble the rich red one from the textbook, and that's the beauty of it.