Love It Quotes
My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it.
Abraham Lincoln
My father taught me to work, but not to love it. I never did like to work, and I don't deny it. I'd rather read, tell stories, crack jokes, talk, laugh -- anything but work.
Abraham Lincoln
Those who know the TRUTH are not equal to those who love it.
I just want to do what I do best, and that's fight. I love it.
Mike Tyson
I meet a lot of young people that want to go into acting because they think of what it will do for them. If that's the case, it can be a very, very painful profession. But if the kids want to do acting because they love it, and they want to give to it, then they can have a great life. It's really about as simple as how you look at it.
Ethan Hawke
To know it is not as good as to love it, and to love it is not as good as to take delight in it.
Animals are a huge part of my life, so yes, if you are going to be a part of my life, you would need to have the same love for animals. Howard is so great in that aspect and he truly is my partner. We have six resident cats - Walter, Apple, Leon Bear, Charlie Boy, Bella, and Yoda-and we have fostered over fifty kittens in the last year. He even lets the kittens play in his hair! They love it!
Beth Ostrosky Stern
I'm not in acting to make money. I reap the benefits from it, but I do it because I love it!
Agnes Moorehead
They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.
Anything that helps pay the bills, I love it. Anything that makes people happy, I'm happy with that.
Mike Tyson
Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.
Mike Tyson
I have no problem with being single. In fact, I love it. The other lads have to go home early as they are with their partners and some of them have children. But I enjoy being single and being able to go out partying. I don't want to settle down just yet.
Jason Orange
Take That