Owned Quotes
That tower is owned by Southwest Communications and we have been unable to get a phone number that works for Southwest Communications.
Anyone who has owned many cats in long succession can define his or her life as a series of furry episodes.
At about five I knew I was going to be an architect because my mother had studied architecture. I thought it was women's work. I had a proprietary feeling about architecture. I could own it because my mother owned it.
I feel as a woman of color, I just don't want my art to be owned by a white man.
In the ideology of the new Silicon Valley, work was for the owned. Play was for the owners. There was a fundamental capitalism at work: While they abhorred the idea of being a wage slave, the young men of Silicon Valley were not trying to tear down the capitalist system. They were trying to become its new masters.
That’s the thing about success: It’s a constant hustle. Success is never owned—it’s rented, and rent is due every damn.