Kingship Quotes
Lifetime is a child at play, moving pieces in a game. Kingship belongs to the child.
The right constitutions, three in number- kingship, aristocracy, and polity- and the deviations from these, likewise three in number - tyranny from kingship, oligarchy from aristocracy, democracy from polity.
Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm from an anointed King.
In one sense it is evident that the art of kingship does include the art of lawmaking. But the political ideal is not full authority for laws but rather full authority for a man who understands the art of kingship and has kingly ability.
Swaraj as conceived by me does not mean the end of kingship.
What I would really like to do, if I could have a sort of kingship for a short time and organize the group of my dreams - I would make one group which would be a combination of, say, Parliament and Kraftwerk - put those two together and say, "Make a record." Something that would be an extraordinary combination: the weird physical feeling of Parliament with this strange, rigid stuff over the top of it.
All the worldly trappings of kingship were worthless frippery when it came to the soul.
When we read Christ's words "my kingdom is not of this world," many of us are inclined to understand it as an argument against Christian involvement in politics, for example. Instead, Jesus was saying that his kingship does non arise out of (Greek: ek) the perverted earth but derives from heaven.