Shamans Quotes
It is the task of San shamans to activate their supernatural potency, to cause it to ‘boil’ up their spines until it explodes in their heads and takes them off to the spirit realms – that is, they enter a state of trance at the far end of the intensified trajectory.
A shaman’s activities as a sorcerer, or his own conscious act of entry into the supernatural world, were a kind of “killing”.
Androgyny is embedded in our cultural mythology. In many creation stories, the great ‘He-She’ created life on earth, and the Hindu fertility god, Shiva, assumed both sexes to attain “divine sensual delight.” Often, shamans achieved their ‘mana’ (air of sacred authority) by assuming a double-sexed persona.
Shamans submit to death in order to serve their communities.
I have no desire to walk on water," said Siddhartha. "Let the old shamans satisfy themselves with such skills".