Educating Quotes
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
The only rational way of educating is to be an example. If one can't help it, a warning example.
Peace has never come from dropping bombs. Real peace comes from enlightenment and educating people to behave more in a divine manner.
By educating the young generation along the right lines, the People's State will have to see to it that a generation of mankind is formed which will be adequate to this supreme combat that will decide the destinies of the world.
Educating people beyond their intellectual means is a disservice to humanity. A clueless person who knows little is a nuisance; a clueless person who knows a lot is a menace.
Heartbreak is life educating us.
Basically we are always educating for a world that is or is becoming out of joint, for this is the basic human situation, in which the world is created by mortal hands to serve mortals for a limited time as home.
In educating the young we steer them by the rudders of pleasure and pain.
I think it's all about people loving each other and having compassion, accepting one another and educating themselves.
In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating.
I wouldn't be educating children if I did not believe in human potential.
By educating women to use all their brains, men will not only be just, but will also ensure the future of a new social order in which women will apply their intelligence and warm feelings to the problems of living. Men are fools to entrust the upbringing of their sons, whom they expect to grow up to love freedom, to women who have never known freedom themselves.
If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing Double Dahlias in his garden.
I enjoy working with writers and their scripts. It's very exciting to me. Eventually I would like to produce, direct and act onstage, but it's not a heavy pressure. When I do it, I want to do it well. I'm just educating myself with writers and scripts, because I didn't read a lot of books when I was growing up.
The universities will ask for money back so they can put their name on the side of a building without fully educating athletes.
I believe that educating people to awaken into full consciousness is the most important thing we can do.
Everywhere I went, in every country, people complained about their education system. It was a universal truth and a strangely reassuring one. No one was content, and rightly so. Educating all kids to high levels was hard, and every country—every one—still had work to do.
I was really educating myself on the environment, but I didn't realize it was so connected to politics, connected to globalization.
In the past we couldn't talk to non-union workers. Now we can at least talk to non-union workers so we'll be mobilizing them and educating them not for just six or eight months before an election, but we'll be doing it year-round.
I think we're doing a dreadful job of educating.