Brass Quotes
If you’re in the room, you've grabbed the brass ring. You are all winners.
Braying of arrogant brass, whimper of querulous reeds.
Brass, stay down all summer.
There never seems to be any trouble brewing around a bar until a woman puts that high heel over the brass rail. Don't ask me why, but somehow women at bars seem to create trouble among men.
You can't make a head and brains out of a brass knob with nothing in it. You couldn't do it when your uncle George was living much less when he's dead.
I do happen to have a good life... But I also like to work. I feel like I got the brass ring and I got very lucky in this.
I know some actors feel classes are not cool or they create negative public relations, but I continue to crave the story just beyond my reach. To grasp that brass ring I need to continue to fine-tune my talents.
Never look encouragingly at the brass, except with a short glance to give an important cue.