History Quotes
Film music has a great history of composers and performers.
David Newman -
It's just a great school and they have a history of developing big men. Georgetown is definitely a great option for me.
Nerlens Noel
A circle is the longest distance to same point.
Tom Stoppard -
We are facing a tipping point of environmental crisis unprecedented in human history and our very survival is dependent on protecting nature.
Leonardo DiCaprio -
Growing up, I always saw the hypocrisy of the Catholic church. The history speaks for itself, and I grew incredibly frustrated and angry. I essentially just put that into my words.
Andrew Hozier-Byrne -
History is and should be a science.
Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges -
History can predict nothing except that great changes in human relationships will never come about in the form in which they have been anticipated.
Johan Huizinga -
The secret truth of 'Celebrity Apprentice' is that it isn't very hard... 'Celebrity Apprentice' is easy like junior high is easy. All the arithmetic, the creative writing and the history are super simple, but like junior high, you do that easy work surrounded by people who are full-tilt, hormone-raging bug nutty.
Penn Jillette
If you read enough biography and history, you learn how people have dealt successfully or unsuccessfully with similar situations or patterns in the past. It doesn't give you a template of answers, but it does help you refine the questions you have to ask yourself.
James Mattis -
Congressman Watt has a long history of advocating against predatory lending and the mortgage practices that caused millions of families to lose their homes.
Marcia Fudge -
I love Chicago. It's such a great town, and it's got great culture and great history, and it's not as extreme as LA or New York, and it's just- it's hard for me for work, because I don't live and work in the same place and that's tough. But I'm- I love it.
Joan Cusack -
Citizens United, I believe, will be regarded by history as one of the worst decisions this Supreme Court - or any Supreme Court - has ever made. It is distorting our political process and corrupting our government.
Brad Schneider -
Obama was quite serious when he said he was going to change the world. And now he has a national crisis, a personal mandate, a pliant Congress, a desperate public - and, at his disposal, the greatest pot of money in galactic history.
Charles Krauthammer -
For everything is history: What was said yesterday is history, what was said a minute ago is history. But, above all, one is led to misjudge the present, because only the study of historical development permits the weighing and evaluation of the interrelationships among the components of the present-day society.
Claude Levi-Strauss
What's most explosive about historical fiction is to use the fictional elements to pressure the history to new insights.
Matthew Pearl -
Practice is a shared history of learning. Practice is conversational. 'Communities of Practice' are groups of people who share a concern (domain) or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better (practice) as they interact regularly (community).
Etienne Wenger -
In many ways, a degree in the history of ideas is the ideal training for an aspiring writer.
Anne Fortier -
I surrendered to a world of my imagination, reenacting all those wonderful tales my father would read aloud to me. I became a very active reader, especially history and Shakespeare.
Andrew Wyeth -
EPA has a long history of relying on science that was not created by the agency itself. This often means that the science is not available to the public and, therefore, cannot be reproduced and verified.
John Barrasso -
Western civilization is passing through a social revolution unparalleled in history for scope and power. Its coming was inevitable. ...By universal consent this social crisis is the overshadowing problem of our generation.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Thanks to the Tour de France, riding the Champs-Elysees has a great cycling history.
Marianne Vos -
It is with nations as it is with individuals. A book of history is a book of sermons.
Arthur Conan Doyle -
Almost the whole of history is but a sequence of horrors.
Sébastien-Roch Nicolas -
Vidal Sassoon was the most famous hairstylist in the history of the world.
John Paul DeJoria