Scientifically Quotes
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.
It is my conviction that if any professional biologist will take adequate time to examine carefully the assumptions upon which the macro-evolution doctrine rests, and the observational and laboratory evidence that bears on the problem of origins, he/she will conclude that there are substantial reasons for doubting the truth of this doctrine. Moreover, I believe that a scientifically sound creationist view of origins is not only possible, but it is to be preferred over the evolutionary one.
While love is common, true love is rare, and I believe that few people are fortunate enough to experience it. The roads of regular love are well traveled and their markers are well understood by many - the mesmerizing attraction, the idealization obsession, the sexual afterglow, the profound self-sacrifice, and the desire to combine DNA. But true love takes its own course through uncharted territory. It knows no fences, eludes modern measurement, and seems scientifically woolly. But I know true love exists. I just can’t prove it. Believe Love Is People Profound Desire Common I Believe Obsession Modern Enough Fence True Love Is Prove It Prove Mesmerizing Attraction Sacrifice Self Sacrifice Afterglow Dna Elude Markers Measurement Self Territory Uncharted Uncharted Territory Understood Wells Courses Fortunate Seems Traveled Knows
It's very productive scientifically; I often get some very good ideas for my research while hiking.