Denies Quotes
Everybody denies I am a genius - but nobody ever called me one!
When a man denies the power of women, he is denying his own subconscious.
A school prayer amendment would confer upon public school boards a power the First Amendment now denies to Congress and the states, that is, the power to establish religion.
I am the Spirit that denies.
I do not believe that defending traditional marriage between one man and one woman excludes anybody or usurps anybody's civil rights and denies anybody their civil rights.
Civil disobedience is the assertion of a right which law should give but which it denies.
He who denies himself much in great matters will readily indulge himself in small things.
Beneath the surface of our daily life, in the personal history of many of us, there runs a continuous controversy between an Ego that affirms and an Ego that denies.