Apes Quotes
I watched Picasso visit the Planet of the Apes, as the masters rot on walls and the angels eat the grapes.
And to the English court assemble now, From every region, apes of idleness!
Cunning to wise, is as an Ape to a Man.
Difference which exists between the lowest, so-called men, and the other higher races is greater than between the lowest men and the highest apes.
Bonobos are unique among great apes because they are not dominated by males.
It is only natural, of course, that each man should think his own opinions best: the crow loves his fledgling, and the ape his cub.
Men prefer to believe that they are degenerated angels, rather than elevated apes.
Man is more ape than many of the apes.
Once you were apes, yet even now man is more of an ape than any of the apes.
I thought if I could understand why apes get mean and horrible and aggressive when they grow up, maybe I could understand why people get mean and horrible and aggressive and have wars.
Thus the evidence given by those five new thigh bones of the morphological and functional distinctness of Pithecanthropus erectus furnishes proof, at the same time, of its close affinity with the gibbon group of anthropoid apes.
She is your treasure, she must have a husband; I must dance bare-foot on her wedding day, And, for your love to her, lead apes in hell.
We are risen apes, not fallen angels—and we now have the evidence to prove it.
It took a couple of hundred million years to develop a thinking ape and you want a smart one in a lousy few hundred thousand?