Surpassed Quotes
The car (FT86) is not only FUN to drive, but in terms of quality and precision of handling, the car has very much surpassed any expectations I had. More easily put, if you had blind folded me and told me this was a new creation by BMW's M department, I would not even hesitate to believe you. It's that good.
Man is something that is to be surpassed.
Your highest thought, however, ye shall have it commanded unto you by me - and it is this: man is something that is to be surpassed.
It's an undeniable fact, that President Jonathan has done well for Nigeria in such a very short time, and I think he is the answer to the prayer of many Nigerians. I must not be President, but I have vowed to support anyone who shares the same vision I have for Nigeria. And take it from me, President Jonathan has surpassed my vision for Nigeria
I teach you beyond Man (superman). Man is something that shall be surpassed. What have you done to surpass him?
Test centuries is one such records which doesn't look like being surpassed.