Harmony Quotes
I have my mantra about silhouette, proportion, and fit. I believe that when they are in harmony and balance, you'll look great in anything.
Tim Gunn
That mercy towards one set of creatures was cruelty towards another sickened his sense of harmony. As you got older, and felt yourself to be at the center of your time, and not at a point in its circumference, as you had felt when you were little, you were seized with a sort of shuddering, he perceived. All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling, and the noises and glares hit upon the little cell called your life, and shook it, and warped it.
Thomas Hardy
And in their motions harmony divine
So smoothes her charming tones, that God's own ear
Listens delighted.
John Milton
O, but they say, the tongues of dying men enforce attention, like deep harmony: where words are scarce, they are seldom spent in vain: for they breathe truth, that breathe their words in pain. he, that no more must say, is listened more than they whom youth and ease have taught to gloze; more are men's ends marked, than their lives before: the setting sun, and music at the close, as the last taste of sweets, is sweetest last; writ in rememberance more than things long past
William Shakespeare
How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God.
Thomas Aquinas
The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes.
What is all wisdom save a collection of platitudes? Take fifty of our current proverbial sayings—they are so trite, so threadbare, that we can hardly bring our lips to utter them. None the less they embody the concentrated experience of the race, and the man who orders his life according to their teaching cannot go far wrong. How easy that seems! Has any one ever done so? Never. Has any man ever attained to inner harmony by pondering the experience of others? Not since the world began! He must pass through the fire.
Norman Douglas
From harmony, from heavenly harmony, This universal frame began: From harmony to harmony Through all the compass of the notes it ran, The diapason closing full in Man.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in a position, through the alliance, to absorb the power directly from the great storehouse of Infinite Intelligence.
Napoleon Hill
The gospel is one of harmony, unity, and agreement. It must be presented in love, and with glad tidings, by those who are calm.
Marvin J. Ashton
There are noble tones, ordinary ones, tranquil harmonies, consoling ones, others which excite by their vigour.
Paul Gauguin
By faith we are taken into Christ, made at once safe from holy wrath against sin, and kept safe from all perils and penalties. He, our divine Redeemer, becomes to us the new sphere of harmony and unity with God and His law, with His life and His holiness.
Arthur Tappan Pierson