Thrust Quotes
America was born modern; it did not have to achieve modernity, nor did it have modernity thrust upon it.
Ernest Gellner
I have thrust myself into this maze,
Haply to wive and thrive as best I may.
William Shakespeare
I thinke it not amisse to forewarne you that you thrust as few wordes of many sillables into your verse as may be: and hereunto I might alledge many reasons: first the most auncient English wordes are of one sillable, so that the more monasyllables that you use, the truer Englishman you shall seeme, and the lesse you shall smell of the Inkehorne.
George Gascoigne
All that remains is regret for what might have been. It is like standing in the ashes of a fire you once approached to warm your body a little, but which burned you to the bone instead. Now the ashes are cold, and sometimes you remember that even when your hand was in the flames, you still had a terrible need to thrust it deeper.
Elizabeth Chadwick
Some lines are born quotations, some are made quotations, and some have "quotation" thrust upon them.
Gary Saul Morson
History has thrust something upon me from which I cannot turn away.
Martin Luther King, Jr.