Satyagrahi Quotes
A satyagrahi lays down his life, but never gives up. That is the meaning of the 'do or die' slogan.
A satyagrahi must ceaselessly strive to realize and live truth. And he must never contemplate hurting anyone by thought, word or deed.
The satyagrahi should not have any hatred in his heart against the opponent.
A satyagrahi is sometimes bound to use language which is capable of two meanings, provided both the meanings are obvious and necessary and there is no intention to deceive anyone.
The satyagrahi general has to obey his inner voice, for over and above the situation outside he examines himself constantly and listens to the dictates of the inner self.
My satyagrahi spirit tells me that I may not retaliate.
A satyagrahi is dead to his body even before the enemy attempts to kill him.
A satyagrahi is nothing if not instinctively law-abiding.
A satyagrahi, whilst he is ever ready to fight, must be equally eager for peace.
To die without killing is the badge of a satyagrahi.
A satyagrahi cannot go to law for a personal wrong.
A satyagrahi exhausts all other means before he resorts to satyagraha.
A satyagrahi has always his minimum and it is this minimum that is wanted in connection with this struggle.
There is no time limit for a satyagrahi nor is there a limit to his capacity for suffering.