Surprises Quotes
Love, like destiny, loves surprises.
I do not believe they've run out of surprises.
Posterity makes the judgments. There are going to be a lot of surprises in store for everybody.
It is an endless procession of surprises. The expected rarely occurs and never in the expected manner.
"I've been around a long time, and life still has a whole lot of surprises for me."
I don't want to set the world up for surprises.
When I do a horror or a fantasy film it all boils down to something in the script that surprises me. It could be a big thing or a small moment. If it's there I'll do it.
The painting develops before my eyes, unfolding its surprises as it progresses. It is this which gives me the sense of complete liberty, and for this reason I am incapable of forming a plan or making a sketch beforehand.
As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.
We expect surprises. There has to be surprises.
Both have the potential to provide dollar with negative surprises.
I await joyous surprises while working, an awakening of the materials that I work with and that my spirit develops.
A letter is an unannounced visit, the postman the agent of rude surprises. One ought to reserve an hour a week for receiving letters and afterwards take a bath.
The past has been exciting, the present extremely challenging. As for the future, it holds a lot of promise and many surprises. And I cannot wait to unravel them!
Whenever I meet with anything agreeable in this world it surprises me so much - and pleases me so much (when my passions are not interested in one way or the other) that I go on wondering for a week to come.
What surprises me in life are not the marriages that fail, but the marriages that succeed.
I want to run a government, Barnaby wants to be part of a government, which is characterized by the motto if you like, no surprises, no excuses. That will be the motto of an incoming Coalition government. No surprises, no excuses.
We have turned the corner, ... any deviations or surprises.
We are going to be a government of no surprises and no excuses; a government which keeps its commitments and a government which is straight and candid with the Australian people and that's what we intend to do.
Well, Michael, we will be telling the people of Australia in good time before the next election exactly what they can expect from us. No surprises, no excuses. They will be our watch words going into the election and afterwards, should we form a government.
Surprises and reverses can serve as an incentive for great accomplishment. There are no rules here, we're just trying to accomplish something.
There are almost unlimited possibilities for making discoveries and to uncover the unknown. It is in the nature of the discovery that it can not be planned or programmed. On the contrary it consists of surprises and appears many times in the most unexpected places.
Principals don't like surprises, but I like this one. Thank you for paying attention to those of us who had concerns.
Roger (Kellaway) amazed us all. Blessed with great technique, he could play any style, from ragtime to space music. Whatever style he chose to play at the moment would be filled with wonderful surprises that kept the rest of us continually delighted.