Centralization Quotes
The real trick in highly reliable systems is somehow to achieve simultaneous centralization and decentralization.
Centralization as a system is inconsistent with a non-violent structure of society.
A dreary censorship, and self-censorship, has been imposed on books by the centralization of the book industry.
Nothing has been so deplorable for countries as centralization. I am afraid when I see Germany grow so powerful, and centralizing in Berlin; it is the beginning of the end!
Being the governor of a state is a more pivotal job in the future. I do indeed hope there's someone that says, "I'm going to go to Washington, try to get back to our constitutional roots, devolve the centralization of government back to the states." So why would you want to be up there if the action is down here in the states?
Centralization at the national capital or within a business undertaking always glorifies the importance of pieces of paper This dims the sense of reality.