Precautions Quotes
Takin a cuppa precautions. Erry body be safe.
Never depend on the multitude, full of instability and whims; always take precautions against it.
The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.
Epileptics know by signs when attacks are imminent and take precautions accordingly; we must do the same in regard to anger
I'm so extremely well prepared for negative response, I've taken precautions.
Keep your revolver near you night and day, and never relax your precautions.
These precautions, perhaps because they had been taken, proved unnecessary.
Over and over victims are blamed for their assaults. And when we imply that victims bring on their own fates - whether to make ourselves feel more efficacious or to make the world seem just - we prevent ourselves from taking the necessary precautions to protect ourselves. Why take precautions? We deny the trauma could easily have happened to us. And we also hurt the people already traumatized. Victims are often already full of self-doubt, and we make recovery harder by laying inspectors blame on them.
I'm attracted by the unknown, but I take precautions.
It's not Cam's fault," Bex told her. "We rigged her bed so that if she gets up, I get an electric shock." "Liz designed it," Macey said, and Bex shrugged "We told you we were taking precautions." Of course. Because at Gallagher Academy, "precautions" usually equals "voluntary shock therapy".
A little superstition is a good thing to keep in one's bag of precautions.