Respect Quotes
Walt had a marvelous intuition. And because he understood people very well, liked them and had great respect for people, there was nothing cynical about Walt.
When I was a kid I got no respect. I played hide-and-seek. They wouldn't even look for me.
The great pleasure that comes from reading poets such as Mark Doty and Marianne Moore is the realisation that the essential virtues - compassion, wonder, humility, respect for the mysterious - are far from conventionally heroic.
It comes down to the way you treat people. When you treat people with dignity and respect all the time, you can work through anything.
Some people lose all respect for the lion unless he devours them instantly. There is no pleasing some people.
Respect for mother and father is good, generosity to friends, acquaintances, relatives, Brahmans and ascetics is good, not killing living beings is good, moderation in spending and moderation in saving is good. The Council shall notify the Yuktas about the observance of these instructions in these very words.
I'll marry you if you admit that respect, admiration, and trust equals love.
I have deep respect for people's individual faith, but when faith gets connected to the machinery of state, or the machinery of hate, I find it very confronting.
Teachers deserve more respect than many give them, and more opportunities than the system affords them today.
Respect, my brother, nothing but respect, man.
I don't get no respect, no respect at all!
With my family, I'm trying to raise them to have respect for all people and make friends around the world and feel at home with the world and really live a truly global life because I think it's what forms them and it's really important to me.
The United States believes that every nation should respect international law, including in the South China Sea.
More than anything, you have to respect the game and do things the right way.
My brothers and I were raised by our parents to respect everyone regardless of background or race.
Some Shi'ites are asking that Islam be the only source of laws, which means turning Iraq into an Islamic regime, and that is unacceptable. We accept that the religion of Iraq is Islam, and we must respect Islam and the Islamic identity of Iraqi people. But we think Islam should only be one source of the Iraqi laws.
Worrying about how you'll be remembered is pointless. Better to try to live your life in such a way that people will respect you while you're still alive.
The Catholic clergy seldom bother to make their arguments plausible; it is plain that they have little respect for human intelligence, and indeed little belief in its existence.
I don't believe in very many things, but art is definitely one of them. And at the top of that list, film and art influence our world's culture much more than many of us understand and fully respect.
When you treat everyone on the sets with respect, it keeps the workspace free of tension. Your conscience is clear, and that reflects on the camera.
I don't like to trash talk... I don't know how to do that, it's not me. In the martial arts world that I was brought up it was all about respect.
It seems clear to me that the Obama Administration has no human rights policy. That is, while in some inchoate sense they would like respect for human rights to grow around the world, as all Americans would, they have no actual policy to achieve that goal - and they subordinate it to all their other policy goals.
I am who I am. That's why my friends and peers respect and appreciate me. I don't change or cater my actions to fit my surroundings. I'm myself 24/7. People appreciate that.
Only Freddie Mercury could do Freddie Mercury. He was absolutely brilliant - I loved him to pieces, and I had a great deal of respect for him.