Mother`s Quotes
A mother's prayers, silent and gentle, can never miss the road to the throne of all bounty.
Henry Ward Beecher
Mothers, tell your children: be quick, you must be strong. Life is full of wonder, love is never wrong. Remember how they taught you, how much of it was fear. Refuse to hand it down – the legacy stops here.
Melissa Etheridge
If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?
Milton Berle
Were not only healthier but also less likely to report having been abused or neglected than a similar group whose mothers had not been visited. They also were more likely to have finished school, to have stayed out of jail, and to be working in well-paying jobs. Economists have calculated that every dollar invested in high-quality home visitation, day care, and preschool programs results in seven dollars of savings on welfare payments, health-care costs, substance-abuse treatment, and incarceration, plus higher tax revenues due to better-paying jobs.
Bessel van der Kolk
Women are not allowed to be complicated in our society. We're comfortable seeing women as great mothers, and then we're comfortable seeing them as hookers, but there's no in-between.
Charlize Theron
Swimmer of noonday, lean for the perfect dive To the dead Mother's face, whose subtile down You had not seen take amber light alive.
Allen Tate
Birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.
Barbara Katz Rothman
Mothers need to know what they are feeding their children. They need the freedom to make educated choices at the market.
Neil Young
Buffalo Springfield
We're all inclined to think we have a monopoly on each new sensation that comes to us, that it's our own particular little grievance. But every feeling and every thought you may have now has probably been felt and thought by mothers from the time the world began.
Bess Streeter Aldrich
Who were these people, these specially selected tenants? They were mothers and fathers and children. A dressmaker, a secretary, an inventor, a doctor, a judge. And, oh yes, one was a bookie, one was a burglar, one was a bomber, and one was a mistake.
Ellen Raskin
Working mothers become masters of time management.
Katherine Ellison
Maybe we're all like that with our mothers. They seem ordinary until one day they're extraordinary.
Lisa See
I guess the biggest difference between me and many of today's female graduate students is that a lot of them were raised by mothers with careers, and they got college degrees studying with female professors. Both of those factors make the enterprise of educating yourself for a serious profession seem feasible.
Debra Monroe
Miss Appleby, her library books, and her story-telling sessions were very popular with all the children in Heavenly Valley. To Nancy and Plum they were a magic carpet that whisked them out of the dreariness and drudgery of their lives at Mrs. Monday's and transported them to palaces in India, canals in Holland, pioneer stockades during the Indian wars, cattle ranches in the West, mountains in Switzerland, pagodas in China, igloos in Alaska, jungles in Africa, castles in England, slums in London, gardens in Japan, or most important of all, into happy homes where there were mothers and fathers and no Mrs. Mondays or Marybelles.
Betty MacDonald
You will meet their children through their eyes. One of the most poignant moments is when I asked each to describe the moment they found out their child had been killed. So this is a very personal side to each one of these mothers "Mothers of the Movement".
Ed Gordon
...mothers are often fondest of the child which has caused them the greatest pain.
Victor Hugo
I wanted people to kind of take a peek to see that the pain, even though you may see them out at the Democratic National Convention or at Essence Festival or any of these other places, that the pain is still very real for these women from the "Mothers of the Movement".
Ed Gordon
Fathers and mothers are just people, which means they make mistakes. Don't hold that against them. Whatever flaws they may have, they created you in a moment of love, and are among the few who knew you when. When they're gone, there won't be anyone to take their place.
Ernest Borgnine