Center Quotes
The center of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much.
Oswald Chambers
When you guest-star, you're usually at the center of the dramatic arc, so that's fun.
Bellamy Young
Yet the widespread planetary theories, advanced by Ptolemy and most other astronomers, although consistent with the numerical data, seemed likewise to present no small difficulty. For these theories were not adequate unless they also conceived certain equalizing circles, which made the planet appear to move at all times with uniform velocity neither on its deferent sphere nor about its own epicycle's center.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Every bowling center should have a house pro.
Don Johnson
Hence I feel no shame in asserting that this whole region engirdled by the moon, and the center of the earth, traverse this grand circle amid the rest of the planets in an annual revolution around the sun. Near the sun is the center of the universe. Moreover, since the sun remains stationary, whatever appears as a motion of the sun is really due rather to the motion of the earth.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Since Freud, the center of man is not where we thought it was; one has to go on from there.
Jacques Lacan
In an infinite universe, every point in space-time is the center.
David Zindell
When you're at the center of the universe, you have to think quickly and size up a situation instantly because, whether you like it or not, you're going to be on the news the next day.
Judy Smith
I was a producer and rapper before Linkin Park. Once the band took off, it was the center of my focus. A couple of years ago, I started missing doing straight-up hip hop, and that's when Fort Minor began.
Mike Shinoda
Linkin Park
In the center of all rests the sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place that this wherefrom it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern; others, the mind and still others, the pilot of the world. Trismegistus calls it a "visible God"; Sophocles' Electra, "that which gazes upon all things." And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars which wheel around.
Nicolaus Copernicus
I will tell you this, though, every person in that convention centre, we just learned about that today and so I have directed that we have all the available resources to get to that convention centre to make sure that they have the food and water, the medical care that they need.
Paula Zahn
Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe. All this is suggested by the system of procession of events and the harmony of the whole Universe, if only we face the facts, as they say, "with eyes wide open."
Nicolaus Copernicus