Inform Quotes
Before taking final leave of me, my instructor inquired concerning my physical strength, and I was able to inform him that I hadn't any.
Journalism's ultimate purpose is to inform the reader, to bring him each day a letter from home and never to permit the serving of special interests.
The telephone will be used to inform people that a telegram has been sent.
Every member of the society spies on the rest, and it is his duty to inform against them. All are slaves and equal in their slavery... The great thing about it is equality... Slaves are bound to be equal.
The arts inform as well as stimulate; they challenge as well as satisfy. Their location is not limited to galleries, concert halls and theatres. Their home can be found wherever humans chose to have attentive and vita intercourse with life itself.
I think writing and reading are completely synergistic; not necessarily in that one has to be a good reader to be a good writer or vice versa, but that they so inform each other.
You were in a mood to quarrel. Please inform me once the inclination passes.
Writers don't write to inform other people, they write to find out something themselves.
Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born? I hasten to inform him or her that it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.
Men are so unwilling to displease a Prince, that it is as dangerous to inform him right, as to serve him wrong.
Tolerance has been a very important feature of Christianity from its very roots, despite all the other things that have gone on since. And that, I think, must be the global perspective. Tolerance implies more than saying, "Well, let the Muslims go on with what they are doing." It also means trying to learn something from them and adding that to your own tradition. That is the attitude I think needs to inform the global citizen of the future.
It is repugnant to an American to inform upon his fellow citizens.