Aristocrat Quotes
I am for poetry that is admired by peasant and aristocrat alike.
I always said that if I could just find a guy who could chop wood and had a nice smile, it wouldn't bother me if he was a thug or an aristocrat, as long as he was a good guy. And I've ended up with an educated thug.
Julius Caesar was an aristocrat who sided with the Roman people. He's not my hero, but he was one of a long line of what we'll call 'populares,' which were popular leaders who tried to institute these reforms that the people were fighting for.
I have alternately been called an Aristocrat and a Democrat. I am neither. I am a Christocrat.
Oh for someone with a heart, head and hand. Whatever they call them, what do I care, aristocrat, democrat, autocrat, just be it one that can rule and dare not lie.
What is the distinguishing mark of an aristocrat?' she asked him suddenly.'Reverence,' he replied.