Archenemy Quotes
I didn't have any doubts about joining Arch Enemy.
I think one of the reasons that Arch Enemy gels so well as people and musically is because we all share very similar values when it comes to human rights, animal rights... even politics, religion.
I have read and heard so many stories from people all around the world describing how they've found their own reason to believe through Arch Enemy, and that genuinely inspires me and keeps me going.
I think one of the things that makes Arch Enemy so unique is that we're five musicians who are all super self-critical but also super-driven.
We were taught that the French were our archenemies, that the Italians were traitors, that Austria had lost the First World War only because of a “stab in the back”—but I must tell you, we were never sure who had done the stabbing.
The archenemy is the arch stupid!