Twinkle Quotes
Unfortunately, I am involved in a freedom ride protesting the loss of the minority rights belonging to the few remaining earthbound stars. All we demanded was our right to twinkle.
Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle.
We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.
The only thing a star asks is to be allowed to twinkle.
The reason we have the stars twinkle at night is because the light is being kind of blurred by the atmosphere around the Earth. That is why the Hubble Space Telescope is so good, because it is above the atmosphere. So it is kind of like looking at the sun from the bottom of a swimming pool, versus looking at the sun above the swimming pool.
After all, all we demanded was a right to twinkle.
I never liked sleeping in the dark. I have, like, twinkle stars around my bed, so it's not so bad.