Newspapers Quotes
I've always been more interested in the content of our newspapers, political positions day to day, the thrill of communicating with people through words that I am in the pure business aspects.
Rupert Murdoch
While Domald Trump chose a running mate, Mike Pence, who wrote a letter to an Indianapolis newspaper about how women shouldn't work because it's bad for the family. So we're really facing such a stark contrast between the candidates. Not to mention the vulgarity that Trump has been spouting about women for his entire life and continues to throughout his campaign. It's just a different world that we'd be living in if he won.
Natalie Portman
No one wanted to hire me. No newspaper, television station, television network that I worked for ever wanted to hire me.
Scott Pelley
I wish the English still possessed a shred of the old sense of humour which Puritanism, and dyspepsia, and newspaper reading, and tea-drinking have nearly extinguished.
Norman Douglas
Nowadays, her life is more like a newspaper: aimless, up-to-date and full of meaningless events
Michel Faber
I love computers. I love writing on them. I love gadgetry. The thing is: I am a slow reader. So, if I am going to get my work done, I read, like, a newspaper and that's it. If I got into websites and the internet, I wouldn't get any work done.
Stephen Sondheim
I've been drawing authors and politicians for newspapers for many years. I try to read up on the person; in the case of authors, read one of their books. I watch interviews via YouTube and collect pictures via the Internet.
Siegfried Woldhek
The Guardian,is one of the most consistently anti-Catholic newspapers in the world.
George Weigel
The window to the world can be covered by a newspaper.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
And the whole schtick of the psychedelic experience, I think, is reclaim immediate experience, realize that you out vote all parliaments, police forces, and major newspapers on the planet because, who knows, they may be illusions.
Terence McKenna
And he remembered thinking then that if she died, he was certain he wouldn't cry. For it would be the dying face of an unknown, a street face, a newspaper image, and it was suddenly so very wrong that he had begun to cry, not at death but at the thought of not crying at death, a silly empty man near a silly empty woman.
Ray Bradbury
I am convinced that a person is entitled to as much privacy as he wants. It should be his privilege to keep certain areas of his life out of the newspapers.
Paul Newman