Selecting Quotes
Selecting the right college to attend is an investment into a young man or woman's future, it's not just about basketball.
We're still finalizing the design and selecting the contractors. (The design) is still shifting and changing.
I have to admit that I am not great at selecting music for CDs! I have a few personal favorites, and then I let my producer take it from there!
You tell the big lie by carefully selecting only the small, isolated truths, linking them in such a way that that advance the bigger lie by painting a picture inside the viewer's head. The Ascended High Master of this Dark Art is Noam Chomsky.
Had set out to tell you exactly what happened. But since I am the one writing this, how do I know what in my telling I am selecting, omitting, emphasizing; what unconscious editing I am doing?
Most people use less brains in selecting the person with whom they are to spend their lives than they do in choosing an automobile, a bicycle or a cut of steak. Love isn't enough; there must also be understanding.