Blink Quotes
Life is Quicker Than a Blink of an Eye...
Jimi Hendrix
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
The pictures I make come from every blink of my lashes.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
i understand that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. i understood that, finally and absolutely, i alone exist. all the rest, i saw, is merely what pushes me, or what i push against, blindly - as blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. i create the whole universe, blink by blink.
John Gardner
I think big, get cash, make em blink fast
Nicki Minaj
There are things that happen so quickly. A better cameraman can capture them, but if the light is not bright and you hoist up your camera by the time you've dialed in your settings. There are eye blink moments where you're like "Aaahhhh, I wish," but those are too many to catalogue. Nothing really sticks out.
Henry Rollins
Black Flag
Just think: what if you could just, just blink yourself away?
Tariq Trotter
Men-kind shared this world for but a blink, then, sadly, they became enlightened, found science and religion. The new world of men left little room for magic or the magical creatures of old. Earth’s first children were driven into the shadows by flame and cold iron, by man’s insatiable need of conquest.
I love everything from country to alternative to Blink-182 and 90s music to Dave Matthews.
Spencer Boldman
Blink and you miss a sprint. The 10,000 meters is lap after lap of waiting. Theatrically, the mile is just the right length: beginning, middle, end, a story unfolding.
Sebastian Coe
The day Blink-182 announced their hiatus, I felt as if a part of me died.
Alex Gaskarth
All Time Low
Death - to blink for an exceptionally long period of time.
Robin Williams
Carry on, then, if only for the moment that it takes a tiny galaxy to blink!
Wislawa Szymborska
...nothing wonderful lasted forever. Joy was as fleeting as a shooting star that crossed the evening sky, ready to blink out at any moment.
Nicholas Sparks
A man goes through many changes in 2000 meters. Some are not very pretty. Some make you hate yourself. Some make you wonder if you've been rowing for only three or four days. To avoid that fate, we prepared for all possibilities. If a meteor landed 10 feet off our stern, we would not blink. We Would be aware, yet impassive, to the outside world. Every ounce of energy would be funneled into the water, and not wasted by looking around, worrying about opponents, wondering about things that didn't concern our primary goal-to be the first across the finish line.
Brad Alan Lewis
I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and it will all be a really bad, long dream. I want to wrap my arms around the entire region and blink my eyes like 'I Dream of Jeannie' and make it all like it was before.
J. M. Roberts
We need to be confident. We need not to blink.
Sebastian Coe
It's amazing in the blink of an eye you finally see the light.
Steven Tyler
There are moments when suddenly our eyes blink open and we recapture the excitement of living. Life becomes an adventure and we, adventurers.
Wayne Visser
At some time in the history of the universe, there were no human minds, and at some time later, there were. Within the blink of a cosmic eye, a universe in which all was chaos and void came to include hunches, beliefs, sentiments, raw sensations, pains, emotions, wishes, ideas, images, inferences, the feel of rubber, Schadenfreude, and the taste of banana ice cream.
David Berlinski
If you truly want to succeed, you have to stay humble - humble or crumble - because it can all go away in the blink of an eye.
Raven Goodwin
If we play to first time Blink 182 listeners, it's good they are listening to us and not the Backstreet Boys. Old Fans or new fans, it's all the same to us.
Travis Barker
May I suggest a drinking game where everytime I do a ridiculously long awkward blink, someone does a shot of some kind of alcohol?
Neil Patrick Harris