Condoms Quotes
I know the Pope is opposed to the use of condoms. All I can say is, I am a spiritual man and I've been happily married for 21 years. I don't even know what a condom is anymore.
Don't throw me teddy-bears, I'm 23! I'm a man! Throw me condoms or money! Paper, not coins.
Condoms should be marked in 3 sizes: jumbo, colossal and super colossal, so that men do not have to go in and ask for the small.
Condoms will break, but I can assure you that vows of abstinence will break more easily than condoms.
And some materials also claim that condoms are ineffective because students who can't “exercise self-control to remain abstinent” are not likely to “exercise self-control” and use a condom. That's like saying we shouldn't teach our kids safe drinking techniques because those who choose to drink underage can't control themselves anyway—so we should just let them binge drink without any guidance at all.
There is not only a lack of success for condoms. It's worse than that - they are utter failures.