Firestarter Quotes
Firestarter' was a risk, we had never done a fully vocal track before and Keith had never sung before. It was hardly the safe option. We could have turned out the same old tunes over and over again, but that's not what The Prodigy are about. We are about taking risks.
'Firestarter' was like that. Keith heard the track as an instrumental and thought it was wicked and said he couldn't wait to dance to it on stage. He sat down there for a while and then said 'I would love to put some vocals on this'. We put the actual words down in a London studio, and I can't explain the feeling me and Keith got that night, driving home listening to the tape, playing it over and over again. I knew then it was something original, that I had achieved something.
We'd been away for a year and we needed to come back with a big impact, but just another dance track would not have broken any new ground. As far as I'm concerned 'Firestarter' set a whole new level for English music, that's my honest opinion, crossing the barriers between punk and dance. Keith re-invented himself and it was a great introduction to him. It was onvincing but not just because it was #1. The track sounds like it means business, the way Keith delivers the vocals, the music has such attitude. It was a landmark.
The music business is like a big trap and that's why I never like to put both feet into it - I like to stand back and laugh at it, because if you jump into the mainstream completely then you are never going to escape. ---Songs like 'Firestarter' burst into the mainstream and bend it, twist it. Then we retreat back underground. That's the best way.