Slowly Quotes
I write slowly.
Yann Martel
Tobacco Will Slowly and Surely Kill You." And so will time, Gwynn thought. But if you want the job done quickly, professionals recommend bullet.
K. J. Bishop
Hasten slowly, you will soon arrive.
Akong Rinpoche
It was then I truly realised the whale is no more a fish than I am. So much blood. This was not like the fish on the quay, fresh caught, lying flipping and flopping, death on a simmer. This was a fierce, boiling death. She died thrashing blindly in a slick of gore, full of pain and fury, gnashing her jaws, beating her tail, spewing lumps of slime and half-digested fish that fell stinking about us. It was vile. So much strength dies slowly.
Carol Birch
People who told you to “think fast” were always those who thought much more slowly than you did. And they only said it when they were about to do something to contribute to the collective mental inertia.
Charlie Jane Anders
It's important to work slowly and intelligently in your strength work before revving up the intensity. Start with deep diaphragmatic breathing to reengage and reconnect with your abdominals.
Anna Kaiser