Timelines Quotes
The Pleiadians are opening an energetic timeline for the very first time in any seminar, allowing you to enter the timeline where all experience occurs, because everything exists in one moment.
One of my favorite ways to find fictional inspiration, by the way, is to browse historical timelines. I also like world atlases - any country with a squiggly coastline seems to inspire me, as do visual dictionaries, those reclusive creatures of the reference shelf.
We're at a point nowhere it has to change. We have characters that are not alive that are alive in the book. We have characters that never appeared in the book. We have a lot of events that didn't quite happen the same way in the book. But there's so much in the book, stuff we've passed in the timeline that I really thought was awesome, that I really wanted to get to.
There is a lot of music out there that you can play side by side and you can't hear the personality - that has a timeline on it, for sure.
Dreamlining is so named because it applies timelines to what most would consider dreams.
If we really mean that people's votes are to be counted, the timelines ought to exist around what it takes to count every vote.