Liberalization Quotes
Liberalization and democratization are in essence counter-revolution.
Andrei Grechko -
There was a time when Istanbul was one of the safest cities in the world, because people were afraid of the police. People are no longer as afraid of the police as they used to be. Mugging used to be almost unknown; now everybody is afraid of mugging. In that sense, the downside of liberalization is already being felt in Turkey. And of course some people are afraid of Kurdish ethno-terrorism, which worries Turks very much more than the religious sort.
Andrew Mango
To be honest I see protectionism around the world rising rather than more liberalization.
Carsten Spohr -
Trade liberalization can be contagious, and the opening of markets regionally can spark progress multilaterally as well.
Roberto Azevedo -
One of the most violent attacks on the Church in the Soviet Union was under Kruschev when, during a period of economic and political liberalization, he attacked the Church to demonstrate to old Party members that he hadn't lost it.
George Pattison -
The Australian model - which was a fair degree of liberalization but not the full Chicago school treatment - did better.
Andrew Leigh