Patriarch Quotes
There are multiple shows of record about a late-transitioning patriarch and how the kids are affected, and there are multiple narratives. That narrative on "Keeping up with the Kardashians," the answer is, they're pretty much fine. It's the same sort of story we were telling which is, you know what? Everybody's okay.
Sublime Philosophy! Thou art the patriarch's ladder, reaching heaven; And bright with beckoning angelsbut alas! We see thee, like the patriarch, but in dreams, By the first step, dull slumbering on the earth.
It is ridiculous to think of the creation of the world as occurring on a certain date—say, in the autumn of 4004 B.C.E.! It is equally ridiculous to describe a creator as a vengeful, adoration-hungry patriarch who lives in the clouds and whose scowling, bearded face is guaranteed to frighten children and intimidate the pious. And indeed, it is just as ridiculous to go to the other extreme and postulate a quantum creator-god who is discernible only as a sort of fuzzy cosmic hologram of all there is.