Concentrate Quotes
Concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Conversation should touch everything, but should concentrate itself on nothing.
I need one psychological expert to help me concentrate.
I'm noise-sensitive. It's always better for me if things are quiet, so I can concentrate.
Merlin really taught me how to concentrate, that you play each play as if it were the only play. And if you put all the plays together like that, then you'll come out on top.
I've always wanted to be a singer and an actor. I will continue to concentrate on both because I love both.
The one thing that I appear to have been given, bearing in mind that I am capable of being very, very scatty and extremely lazy, is the ability to concentrate on something I choose to give my time to.
I'm not perfect. But I am trying every day to concentrate on being better.
I just have to concentrate on doing what I do.
The soul should concentrate itself by itself.
The jack-of-all-trades seldom is good at any. Concentrate all of your efforts on one definite chief aim.
It was my study of the two Corinthian letters that first caused me to concentrate my attention more directly on the relation of the apostle Paul to the older apostles.
Every woman has a different metabolism and different genetics, so rather than compete with one another, concentrate on yourself and be the best you can be.
If you don't concentrate on what you are doing then the thing that you are doing is not what you are thinking.
We've been on Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood and the Today Show ... But we've had to cut down some of it to concentrate on our game and not be distracted.
In a battle, as in a siege, the art consists in concentrating very heavy fire on a particular point. The line of battle once established, the one who has the ability to concentrate an unlooked for mass of artillery suddenly and unexpectedly on one of these points is sure to carry the day.
I am relaxed about the situation now. If I play, I try to concentrate on producing my best.
The ability to concentrate and to use time well is everything.
Concentrate on hitting the green. The cup will come to you.
The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter.
I know when I'm onstage, I don't think about how it looks, I just concentrate on really feeling what I hear. But I totally know I look like Gollum when I perform, so it's cool.
When we first went there we completely lacked confidence. Our manager told us our act was too long, and told us to drop certain numbers and concentrate on the exciting stuff. And he was right.
A good surgeon doesn't just concentrate on technical ability, but also on the appropriateness of what you're doing.
If a night-moth were to concentrate its will on flying to a star or some equally unattainable object, it wouldn't succeed. Only, it wouldn't even try in the first place. A moth confines its search to what has sense and value for it, what it needs, what is indispensable to its life... if I imagined that I wanted under all circumstances to get to the North Pole, then to achieve it I would have to desire it strongly enough that my whole being was ruled by it. But if I were to decide to will that the pastor should stop wearing his glasses, it would be useless. That would be making a game of it.