Governance Quotes
In a democratic set-up, people who are being governed should also be a part of the governing system. They should be drafted into the governance.
The best time for transition is during a period of great strength, ... We believe these appointments and the evolution of the governance of the firm will strengthen our management focus and keep the firm on a solid foundation to serve our clients, develop our people, and execute our strategy.
I am working to make sure we don't only protect the environment, we also improve governance.
A well balanced, inclusive approach, according to certain standards and ideals, is essential for the proper governance of any country.
For the record, we've never had anyone call and say I wish you did more on the corporate governance side
With proper governance, life will improve for all.
Governance is a way of organizing, amplifying, and constraining power.
The biggest determinant in our lives is culture, where we are born, what the environment looks like. But the second biggest determinant is probably governance, good governance or a certain kind of governance makes a huge difference in our lives.
I don't think we do a great job in America any more of distinguishing between campaigns and governance. We live in an environment that's all campaign all of the time and it's helpful, now that we've moved beyond a campaign and an election to get into a governance posture.
In my opinion, the most important thing in governance is management control.
Certainly, protecting oppressed people, stopping ethnic conflict and promoting responsible governance are worthy goals. But none is as important for American security and prosperity as keeping the peace in the Middle East, Europe and East Asia.
America's downgrade may serve as a wakeup call for its policymakers. It is an unambiguous and loud signal of the country's eroding economic strength and global standing. It renders urgent the need to regain the initiative through better economic policymaking and more coherent governance.
Historically Turkey hasn't had much success in attracting foreign investment. Slowly that is changing. There's a tradition of arbitrary decisions by government ministers and senior civil servants, which would ruin businesses from one day to the next, and which has tended to deter foreign investment. That's changing, and convergence with E.U. practices is a good thing in that it improves governance.
Governance should be designed as an equalizer. Democrats are more inclined towards working families and those who are struggling for a better life.
If states themselves are less able to handle various responsibilities, this leaves open the possibility of the emergence of some form of global governance to fill the void.
Participation is a hallmark of democratic governance.
You need governance, but you also need a middle class, you need agriculture, they need to be able to export. I think that's probably the biggest issue, the job creation that could come with the kinds of things that Haiti has all the potential in the world to export.
There is a crisis of leadership and governance in Africa, and we must face it.
Governance can dig itself into a huge hole and not even know it's in there.
Governance is everything. Without governance we have nothing