Institutions Quotes
The government is indeed an institution, but "the market" is nothing more than an option for each individual to chose among numerous existing institutions, or to fashion new arrangements suited to his own situation and taste.
Thomas Sowell
We're being shelled and bombed and assassinated and killed. Our homes are being destroyed, our children traumatized. Our livelihoods, our institutions, our infrastructure totally demolished.
Hanan Ashrawi
I got to work for some great administrators at great institutions, and I had an opportunity to coach great players. Iowa is no different.
Steve Alford
I've got a pretty iconoclastic attitude about all institutions myself. And I just think the church was corrupted right after Christ was killed.
Harry Dean Stanton
Informal relationships are not mere minor interstitial supplements to the major institutions of society. These informal relationships not only include important decision-making processes, such as the family, but also produce much of the background social capital without which the other major institutions of society could not function nearly as effectively as they do.
Thomas Sowell
It's not that you have jobs on the Internet, but the Internet makes it possible for more people to build their own jobs. What it does is, it erodes the power of institutions. It used to be you needed an institution to have a job. But, if you look at the three of us on this show, I don't think any of us is really employed by an institution. We run our own lives.
Esther Dyson
No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice religion.
Hugo Black
I believe in the institution of marriage, and I intend to keep trying till I get it right.
Richard Pryor
I see myself as a social conservative, but I think that there are lots of social institutions that produce beneficial reforms, like public hospitals, for instance, and schools.
Tony Abbott
The prison, above all others, should be the most human of institutions.
Eugene V. Debs
When I say, 'I am supporting the police or the army,' I am talking about the army in general and the police in general. In general, those institutions are good institutions.
Mohammed Morsi
We have to be able track the ways in which fear, for instance, is monopolized by state and media institutions, ways in which fear is actually promoted and distributed as a way of bolstering the need for greater security and militarization.
Judith Butler
Hell has been conceived as a police institution, to inspire fear in this world. But the worst of it all is that it no longer frightens anyone, and therefore it will have to be closed down.
Miguel de Unamuno
Institutions develop because people put a lot of trust in them, they meet real needs, they represent important aspirations, whether it's monasteries, media, or banks, people begin by trusting these institutions, and gradually the suspicion develops that actually they're working for themselves, not for the community.
Rowan Williams
A nation's institutions and beliefs are determined by it's character.
Herbert Spencer
One of the difficulties with all our institutions is the fact that we've emphasized the reward instead of the service.
Harry S Truman
I'm very optimistic, but I'm optimistic about individuals, not institutions.
Heather Brooke