Reached Quotes
Genius abhors consensus because when consensus is reached, thinking stops. Stop nodding your head.
Never have I found the limits of the photographic potential. Every horizon, upon being reached, reveals another beckoning in the distance. Always, I am on the threshold.
I was the ugly duckling until I reached puberty.
I sometimes get that wonderful sympathy between me and the audience, telling me I've reached their hearts. And when I do, the thrill is mine.
All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways.
The Oscar or the Emmy says you've reached a level of competence in this business, and I would love to have one.
I wouldn't say (winning is a) relief, but it's a dream. It's a goal that's been reached. So it's very satisfying.
I have reached the stage now where luxury is not in fine possessions but in carefree possessions, and the greatest luxury of all would be the completely expendable.
So many people have reached out in wonderful ways. New York has been wonderful.
Fortunately, we have reached the moon, but the Earth still suffers from hunger.
I have reached a limit in my work.
I've reached the age where competence is a turn-on.
-….when things seem to have reached that stage, merely say “I won’t play any longer”, and take your departure; but if you stay, stop lamenting.
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven, it is the beating of a loving heart.
I've reached the moment where the movement of my thought interests me more than the thought itself.
I realized that I was afraid to really, really try something, 100%, because I had never reached true failure.
In general I was a good kid. It usually took a lot to make me mad. But once I reached the boiling point, I lost all rational control. Totally without thinking, when my anger was aroused, I grabbed the nearest brick, rock, or stick to bash someone. It was as if I had no conscious will in the matter.
A real fox calls sour not only those grapes that he cannot reach but also those that he has reached and taken away from others.
At the fourth flight Lila did something unexpected. She stopped to wait for me, and when I reached her she gave me her hand. This gesture changed everything between us forever.
He reached for his pocket, and found there, only reality.
When she reached me she asked gently if I were O.K., what was bothering me. Fine, nothing, I said, but in a way I hoped confirmed incommunicable depths had opened up inside me.
Truth can never be reached by just listening to the voice of an authority.
You know you've reached middle age when all you exercise is caution.