Street Art Quotes
Infiltrating the mainstream was a natural extension of my street art. I've always tried to communicate ideas to the public as directly as possible.
Eric Drooker -
Street art belongs on the street. But I'm a working street artist and I earn my money selling art in the style of street art via galleries.
Ben Eine
Street art, unlike graffiti, adds to the environment and is a positive experience for the artist and community.
Ben Eine -
I don't want to sell to street art collectors, I want to sell to art collectors.
Ben Eine -
Most people think I do street art, so I do everything for nothing. I'm an urchin who paints walls and does work for nothing. That's the first misconception about street artists, that we just paint for nothing.
Ben Eine -
Street art is about as religious as I get - that's my faith, that even if people screen it out and didn't think they saw it, they did. Even if it was for a split second, it's become part of them and it's affecting them somehow.
Eric Drooker -
In certain places around the world, street art is widely accepted and it is part of the urban environment.
Ben Eine