Ninja Quotes
I'm a Ninja. I'm not scared of death.
I kick-kick game, can't injure Nicki. That's why they nick-nicknamed me Ninja Nicki.
Ninja is super-ambitious - more than I am.
I work with Ninja, Ninja works with me.
Did you see my ninja move?That was fast, right?" "You are not a ninja, Shane." "I've watched all the movies. I just haven't gotten the certificate from the correspondence course yet.
Okay," Claire finally said. "I admit, he has significant ninja qualities." "Booyah. I will summon the ninja. Oh, and take a lunch break while we burgle." "You’re going too?" "Am I not ninja enough? Are you saying that I lack ninja?
When I was a boy, I wanted to be a Ninja. Now I am a man, now I am a Ninja.
Booyah, I will summon the ninja. Oh, and take a lunch break while we burgle." "You're going, too?" "Am I not ninja enough? Are you saying that I lack ninja?" "No, I was just thinking you're a little, uh, recognizable, maybe?" Eve batted her thick eyelashes. "Why, thank you, sweetie. That's the nicest insult I've had today, not counting the jock who said he'd date me but he had a restraining order out for necrophelia.
I used to be called Waddy Jones. But I changed my name to Ninja because it's more me.
I never go back on my word! That's my nindo, my ninja way!
Am I not ninja enough? Are you saying that I lack ninja?
I'm half Scottish, half Welsh and I regard red hair as perfectly ordinary. And to set the record straight, contrary to reports, he has never referred to himself as the 'Ginger Ninja'.
Rabbits are played. Nowadays it's all about the turtles. Tell them it's a ninja, they'll freak.
I'll be honest, I never saw myself making a ninja movie, never entertained the idea. I think ninja films can be quite cheesy unless you do them in feudal Japan.
Today, I attended a friend's birthday party dressed as a ninja. I soon discovered that ninjas are very misunderstood.
Translators are like ninjas. If you notice them, they’re no good.
Medicine cabinets are dangerous. Those doors, man. They'll just spring on you like a ninja.
Including a mention of your impressive record....The man who had penetrated and copied over a thousand techniques.. Kakashi the mirror ninja.
I call this one the Ninja Center-fold! ~ Naruto
Gentlemen, we just siezed an airfield. That was pretty ninja.