Lengthy Quotes
I am not fond of lengthy descriptions of phony artworks.
But when you're deprived of it for a lengthy period then you value human companionship. But you have to survive and so you devise all kinds of mental exercises and it's amazing.
Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor.
Each of our lives is a part of the lengthy process of the universe gradually waking up and becoming aware of itself.
The great cognitive shift is an expansion of consciousness from the perspectival form contained in the lives of particular creatures to an objective, world-encompassing form that exists both individually and intersubjectively. It was originally a biological evolutionary process, and in our species it has become a collective cultural process as well. Each of our lives is a part of the lengthy process of the universe gradually waking up and becoming aware of itself.
After lengthy consideration, my views have evolved sufficiently to support marriage equality legislation. This position doesn't require any religious denomination to alter any of its tenets; it simply forbids government from discrimination regarding who can marry whom.
We need to develop the intuitive capacities of the brain that some geniuses have manifested over humanity's lengthy history.