Models Quotes
I always looked at magazines. Ever since I was little I was obsessed with Elle magazine and the models. I would watch the model TV shows, like the specials on Milla Jovovich.
As a model, part of my job is to be critiqued physically.
I'd gone to Manhattan to become a model.
We [Notekillers] aren't necessarily trying to be role models, but if we are, that's cool.
For me, what all these years of psychedelic taking came to was a new model of how reality works, a new model of what the world is.
Literature begins with the possible model of experience, and what it produces is the literary model we call the classic.
Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.
I cherish the accomplishments of Margaret Thatcher and will always count her as one of my role models.
Girls who are dancers tend to be much better models than girls who just got picked off the street. Dance is a discipline, just like martial arts. No matter what you do, you have this sort of confidence that no one can take away from you - every time you step somewhere, you're sure of where you're going.
The model of getting the consumer to come to you is old, and the new model is how can you get to the consumer on their terms, in ways they want to engage in. How people are choosing to interface with content is very different. You’ve got to marry different platforms.
I want to be a big model. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I believe that will be one day I do it perfectly!
One of the most important things to me is to make things real, not have models who are perfectly groomed or clothes that are too perfect. It all has to have a twist because that's how people live.
I've been collecting photos for a long time, I mean since I started making money. But what you have had to go through to find a good photo is like a needle in the haystack sometimes. You'll drive from one gallery to the next gallery to the next gallery. It's not an easy process. It's a very ancient model that just hasn't caught up with the times.
Women do desperately need models for power other than the maternal.
Evolution in action: First, God said, 'Let there be light.' Then, he created two nude models. Now we have photographers.
I am a very particular and peculiar ethnicity. Southern European, Italians - they never fit in models.
Plants seem like an excellent model for the kind of future that we should be building.
The 'person' is not an interchangeable part. The 'citizen' is. ... The person is harking back to a pre-print model. It's what the hippies were.
The real justification for psychedelics is that they feed new data into your model.
The model of the consumer society is something that will one day end. My personal view is that too much consumption is wrong.
We surround ourselves with what is better or see other people as role models. You go, "If they can do this, so can I." That starts to trigger people, as well.
We have a lot of trans friends. We know lots of people who have been trying to [model]; we know a lot about it.
If you're looking for a book that will spike in sales and then go away and then spike again when it comes out in paperback, your normal model, I definitely won't give you that.
We in a sense went for the Bernie Sanders model OK? Now we're also in turmoil as a result of this result.