Donald Trump Quotes
The solidarity - now, you can`t challenge Donald Trump until he gets there White House, but let me tell you, we are united. We are going to do our job.
Bill Press
Donald Trump participated in something known as the empty box scam. He bought $65,000 worth of jewelry from Bulgari across the street from Trump Tower, and had the record show that it was mailed to him in an out-of-state address. Now, if you're not a New York resident, you may not have to pay sales tax if the jewelry is mailed to you in another state. The problem is, they were empty boxes. It was proven.
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump said, "When I become president, we're going to create an America's desk." America's desk meaning, he would call them every day to find out what's going on in the job market, where we need help, where we are lagging, where are we winning and we.
Eric Bolling
Donald Trump would end up raising taxes on middle-class families.
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump is the most dangerous person to run for president in the modern history of America.
Hillary Clinton
This has never happened to a major - to a nominee of a major party just a few days ago Donald Trump was endorsed by the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan. They wrote their endorsement under the slogan of his campaign, "make america great again." Do any of us have a place in Trump`s america?
Hillary Clinton
I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive dangerous vision and behavior of people who support Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump wants to punish women for getting abortions and defund Planned Parenthood.
Natalie Portman
I asked Donald Trump if he had any advice for Charles Foster Kane and he said, "Yeah, get yourself a different woman."
Errol Morris
The left is quick to blame Donald Trump, but who are the protesters disrupting the events? Domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers was among the demonstrators in line outside the University of Illinois, Chicago pavilion. George Soros of fundraise off to destruction, post Chicago. If the bad guys are the ones behind the protest, why are we giving them so much air time and credibility?
Eric Bolling
It would be impossible to be fact-checking Donald Trump all the time.
Hillary Clinton
No matter what Donald Trump says, it's clear that global warming is rapidly changing conditions on our planet.
Elizabeth Kolbert
The 1984 tax trials, when he appealed his New York state and New York City audits, were about Donald Trump claiming zero revenue for his consulting business and taking over $600,000 of deductions, for which he couldn't produce any documentation, no receipts, no checks, nothing, those two elements, zero income and huge deductions, combined with his own tax guy testifying under oath, that's my signature, but I didn't prepare that tax return, those are very strong badges of fraud.
Hillary Clinton
People like Donald Trump can take all the money that's made from a TV show, from selling neckties made in China, running golf courses, and wipe out that income for tax purposes with depreciation. Only a narrow segment of people qualify for this.
Hillary Clinton
When it comes to bullying small businesses, Donald Trump is the poster boy.
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump has quietly rolled out an immigration plan with specifics and everyone wants specifics. He's got immigration with specifics, a black and Hispanic outreach plan with specifics.
Eric Bolling