Secret weapon Quotes
But any distrust regarding the analogy-based approach would soon vanish: at IBM, Kirkpatrick and Gelatt’s simulated annealing algorithms started making better chip layouts than the guru. Rather than keep mum about their secret weapon and become cryptic guru figures themselves, they published their method in a paper in Science, opening it up to others. Over the next few decades, that paper would be cited a whopping thirty-two thousand times. To this day, simulated annealing remains one of the most promising approaches to optimization problems known to the field.
We asked Shoup if his research allows him to optimize his own commute, through the Los Angeles traffic to his office at UCLA. Does arguably the world’s top expert on parking have some kind of secret weapon? He does: “I ride my bike.
My first passion was running: I excelled at that starting till the end of the high school. I pretty much cover about 20 miles a night on stage. I basically rechanneled all the athleticism and adrenaline, and everything that's exciting about sports into music. That was my secret weapon, because in Ukrainian punk rock scene - where everything was very gloomy - being athletic was not cool. I didn't publicize anything about my sport past, but I rolled in onstage with a background nobody had, and I became instantly recognized as the wildest performer in the punk-rock scene.